Marine Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning 

Function of H.V.A.C

  • used to re-condition and circulate air as part of a heating , ventilating and air-conditioning  system.
Basic function of HVAC, is take in outside air, recondition it,and supply it as fresh air to a building. Usually connect to an Air Handling Unit (A.H.U) system that distributes the conditioned  air to the building. 

Advantages of HVAC

  • Equipment preservation
  • Cargo preservation
  • Crew comfort and Well-being
  • Energy Efficiency

Basic of HVAC Components

  • Heat exchanger
  • Blower motor
  • Combustion chamber
  • Condenser coil or compressor
  • Evaporator coil
  • Thermostat

Types of HVAC

  • single flow system
  • Mixed flow system

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